Renee Hatcher (US)

Assistant professor of law and director, community enterprise & solidarity economy clinic, UIC John Marshall law school in Chicago


Renee Hatcher is a human rights and community development lawyer. She is an Assistant Professor of Law and the Director of the Community Enterprise & Solidarity Economy Clinic at UIC John Marshall Law School Chicago, a legal clinic that provides free legal support to cooperatives, community-based institutions, and other types of solidarity economy initiatives and projects.

Hatcher currently serves as a board member for the New Economy Coalition, a member of Resist, Reimagine and Rebuild (R3), Black Lawyers Solidarity Economy Network (BLESN), and a member of the Law for Black Lives Clinic Cohort Development Team.

She received her law degree from New York University School of Law and her bachelor’s degree in Political Science from Indiana University-Bloomington. Her work and research focus on solidarity economy theory/practice and law.

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