We are Black cooperatives & Black-led co-op support organizations from across the African diaspora.

We call together all those across the diaspora that are grounded in the cooperative traditions of collective ownership and collective work that were a source of strength for our ancestors and sustain us to this day

Membership Criteria

Voting Members

These are entitled to participate in the governance of Collective Diaspora

A. Black Cooperatives – Jointly owned and democratically controlled enterprises whose membership and leadership are majority people of African descent as identified by the cooperatives themselves.

B. Black-led organizations providing support to cooperatives – Organizations whose leadership (board of directors & executive staff – or full membership in the case of collectives) are majority people of African descent as identified by the organizations themselves.


Affiliates are non-voting members able to benefit from the services of, and contribute to, Collective Diaspora. Affiliates consist of the following

A. Individuals of African descent who provide technical assistance to cooperatives or seek to support them in other capacities. Collective Diaspora will support their growth and development in service to the needs of Black cooperatives and Black-led cooperative support organizations

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Member Benefits

Networking & Relationship Building

We provide a platform for members to connect and build relationships with other Black cooperators across borders. 

Education and Training

We offer educational programs, workshops, webinars, and training  sessions to enhance the skills of our members. 

Resources and Tools

We provide a vehicle for members to share resources and tools with each other, supporting their growth and development. This includes standards, guidelines, toolkits,  and templates for contracts, all to help members

Publicity and Promotion

We amplify the work of our members every chance we get.

Cultivating Capital

We support members in growing the financial resources they need by providing shared fundraising infrastructure.

Opportunities for Trade

We aim to support collaborations and trade partnerships between members across the diaspora.


We serve as a collective voice for the Black solidarity economy, advocating for the interests of our members and representing them in international dialogues. We support our members in mobilizing international support to have their backs when needed.

Membership Fee

Voting Members

.05% of each co-op or organization’s revenue per year. 

Example: .05% of $100,000 USD in gross revenue is .0005 x $100,000 USD = $50 USD

  • Start-ups (2 years or less in operation) will be capped at no more than $100 USD per year.


  • From Global North countries - $50 USD
  • From Global South countries - $12.50 USD (75% discount)
  • See listing of Global North and Global South countries